There are many different types of Screws. Each one is designed for a specific purpose and there are a number of different ways to measure them. Choosing the correct screw size is critical to getting your project done right. The best way to determine the screw size is to measure the screw head diameter and shaft diameter. In this article we will explain how to do both of these things, so that you will be able to accurately measure any screw and know exactly what size to buy when you need more.
Screws are sized in a few different ways depending on when and where they were produced. Most screws in the United States are sized in the imperial system, while screws in most of Europe and Asia are sized in the metric system. Both systems use a numbering system to identify screw sizes, but the measurements are different. Imperial screw sizes have a gauge number that corresponds to a fraction of an inch in diameter, while metric screw sizes are measured in millimeters.
The first number in a screw size is the gauge number. The higher the gauge number, the larger the screw. The second number is the thread size. The third number is the screw length. The length of a screw is important because you want to make sure that the screw will be long enough to reach into the material that you are screwing it into. Screws that are too short will not hold, and screws that are too long risk damaging the opposite side of the material.
When you are measuring a screw to determine the correct size, make sure that you are measuring the head diameter and not the shank diameter. The shank is the portion of the screw that extends below the head, and it can be threaded, partially-threaded or unthreaded. The head diameter is the portion of the screw that is above the head, and it is approximately double the shank diameter.
In addition to the head and shank diameter, you will also need to consider the threads of a screw. There are usually several threads per inch on a screw, and you will need to match the thread size of the screw to the threads in the material that you are screwing it into. There are a number of different tools available that will allow you to gauge the thread size of a screw, but the easiest tool is a simple screw gauge. Screw gauges have strips of metal that have various thread sizes cut into them, and you can systematically work your way through the different sizes until you find the one that matches the screw.
If you are looking for a certain screw size, you can use a screw chart to help you find the right one. Most screw charts will list the gauge number, the thread size and the length of the screw. Some will also list the pitch of the screw, which is the distance between each thread. A screw with a high pitch will have more threads than a screw with a low pitch, and it is important to know the pitch of your screw when selecting a matching nut. 5/16 to mm