Home care assistance montreal can be provided by a variety of agencies and can range from companionship support to more intensive home health services. Often the first step is to make contact with a local home care agency by telephone and speak with someone on the intake team. A professional from the home care team will briefly assess your situation over the phone to determine if you are eligible for home care services. If not, the home care team will do its best to refer you to a partner organization in the community that may offer what you need.
If you are referred to home care services, a health professional will visit you in your home and complete an assessment of your needs. It is a good idea to have a family member or friend present during this visit. A nurse or physiotherapist might also be involved in the home assessment. If you need home healthcare services that are more specialized, the home care agency will refer you to the appropriate health service provider.
Unlike private home health care companies, many of the home care assistance montreal agencies are owned by the former CLSCs (centres local de services communautaires). These entities provide a variety of at-home support services including nursing and medical services, psychosocial supports, physiotherapy and help adapting your home. They can also offer respite care for caregivers and domestic services such as cleaning, shopping and meal preparation. There are a number of government tax credits available for home-support services. home care assistance montreal