Adding a designer bag to your collection is a great way to express your personal style and take your outfit to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a clutch to go with your little black dress or a vacation tote to carry all your essentials, there are countless styles to choose from. But with prices ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands, owning one of these bags can feel out of reach. Luckily, shopping on consignment makes it easier to add a new bag to your rotation without breaking the bank.
The best designer handbags are not only beautiful to look at but also hold their value over time, and that’s why it’s important to invest in high-quality pieces from the start. It’s also helpful to keep in mind what kind of use you’ll be getting out of your bag, as this will help you decide what size and style to buy. For example, if you’re going to be carrying your laptop and other work essentials around, you’ll want a larger tote bag with plenty of storage space.
In addition, if you’ll be using your designer handbag to go out and show off your style, you’ll want to opt for bolder styles, like the sequin Fendi baguette or a mini Dior lady bag, that sparkle and shine. These bags are a good fit for the “get dressed up” trend that has been popularized by the pandemic and are sure to attract attention. designer handbags