With the launch of Ryzen processors, AMD stepped back into the so-called “processor wars” in a big way. With the Zen microarchitecture, AMD improved the performance of its chips in all sorts of categories — primarily by adding more cores (even its entry-level chips now have quad-cores) and supporting simultaneous multithreading, which allows multiple threads to run in parallel on a single core. The performance gains were so significant that industry experts called them disruptive and game changing.
AMD’s latest processors are the Ryzen 9 family, with up to 16 cores and 24 threads for maximum computing power. These are a great choice for workstations, content creation systems, and even gaming rigs that can handle high frame rates and demanding workloads. The Ryzen 7 family is a good mid-range option, with up to eight cores and 16 threads. These are great for gaming and productivity workloads that require multithreaded support, and they offer excellent value over Intel’s current lineup.
At the top of the stack sits the Ryzen 5 7600X. This is a great CPU for gaming, and it offers very close performance to the much more expensive Ryzen 7 5800X and 7900X.
For the ultimate desktop experience, pair your CPU with high-speed DDR5 memory and PCIe 5.0 technology. Get even more performance with AMD EXPO one-touch overclocking, and maximize your storage bandwidth with a fast SSD or hard drive.